Summer 2023
Following our welcome return this year, Windfire will be again in our Tuscan hide-away in the lea of lush and gentle mountains, next year. We will be offering you the rich resources of Somatic Resilience Training, our experiential invitation to a Radical Ecology. These trainings allow you to easily and effortlessly establish resilient Somatic Pathways of Wholeness that embody the natural invulnerability of your Spiritual Heart. This allows you to live contentedly, compassionately and courageously from your Place of Greater Safety, while knowing beyond doubt who, what and where you are.
Each morning Godfrey will lead a Resilience Session of Somatic Retuning (movement), Somatic Intuning (guided stillness) and Somatic Attunement (guided sharing). These will be followed by a talk on the challenges, delights and subtleties of being human in the 21st Century. Each afternoon Olivia will lead you in Somatic Retuning, Intuning and Attunement to release and build Emotional Resilience. Both of these sessions will take place in the open air on our custom built and pleasantly shaded praxis platform. In the rare event of rain we will explore together other ways to enjoy our shared embodiment of nature, enjoying simple practices of Somatic Intimacy with Mother Nature.
Every afternoon you will be free to roam the rich delights of your Natural Mother, enjoying cold-water streams and rock-pools, leaf-covered trails and stunning mountain panoramas, on your own or with friends new and old. Each evening there will be an optional open-air Intuning (meditation) session accompanied by the soothing, nourishing music of the forest. All this will be supplemented by the nourishing delights of the Windfire Vegan Kitchen, and a nurturing community of friends, old and new.
We are neither a holiday camp nor entertainment centre, rather we offer you a unique and much needed opportunity to find the deep core of strength and courage within you, by way of the wisdom of your body. This opportunity is extended within a nourishing, but sometimes challenging, intimacy with Mother Nature, free from the artifice and stimuli of technological dependency, and guided by your willingness to enquire. We offer you the opportunity to let go of your habituated insulation from Nature, into the nourishing heart of her abundance. This opportunity is grounded in your sleeping under canvas rather than within walls, and immersing yourself in the natural light-cycle of long summer days and starlit mountain nights. It is supported by an absence of techno-industrial stimulants, and we recommend that you allow the natural world of wind and water, birdsong and cricketrhythms to become your welcome and soothing soundtrack.
We urge you to leave your computer at home, and turn off your mobile phone upon arrival. All the exchange and feedback that you really need will be available to you in your direct and immediate relationships with others and Mother Nature. Living uninsulated from Nature can be challenging, yet it will be nourishing, even if you find it hard at first to let go of your regular habits and dependencies, we are here to support you in that with our comprehensive programme of Somatic Intimacy.
Arriving and leaving day is Saturday. If this is not possible, let us know well in advance. The final leg of your arrival journey, and first of your departure, will be by taxi if you are not coming by car. You will need to book your place in advance, we will help you with this when you make your booking with us.
For those who would like to benefit from the power of giving to others we also offer Apprenticeships for those who have been with us before.
Each morning Godfrey will lead a Resilience Session of Somatic Retuning (movement), Somatic Intuning (guided stillness) and Somatic Attunement (guided sharing). These will be followed by a talk on the challenges, delights and subtleties of being human in the 21st Century. Each afternoon Olivia will lead you in Somatic Retuning, Intuning and Attunement to release and build Emotional Resilience. Both of these sessions will take place in the open air on our custom built and pleasantly shaded praxis platform. In the rare event of rain we will explore together other ways to enjoy our shared embodiment of nature, enjoying simple practices of Somatic Intimacy with Mother Nature.
Every afternoon you will be free to roam the rich delights of your Natural Mother, enjoying cold-water streams and rock-pools, leaf-covered trails and stunning mountain panoramas, on your own or with friends new and old. Each evening there will be an optional open-air Intuning (meditation) session accompanied by the soothing, nourishing music of the forest. All this will be supplemented by the nourishing delights of the Windfire Vegan Kitchen, and a nurturing community of friends, old and new.
We are neither a holiday camp nor entertainment centre, rather we offer you a unique and much needed opportunity to find the deep core of strength and courage within you, by way of the wisdom of your body. This opportunity is extended within a nourishing, but sometimes challenging, intimacy with Mother Nature, free from the artifice and stimuli of technological dependency, and guided by your willingness to enquire. We offer you the opportunity to let go of your habituated insulation from Nature, into the nourishing heart of her abundance. This opportunity is grounded in your sleeping under canvas rather than within walls, and immersing yourself in the natural light-cycle of long summer days and starlit mountain nights. It is supported by an absence of techno-industrial stimulants, and we recommend that you allow the natural world of wind and water, birdsong and cricketrhythms to become your welcome and soothing soundtrack.
We urge you to leave your computer at home, and turn off your mobile phone upon arrival. All the exchange and feedback that you really need will be available to you in your direct and immediate relationships with others and Mother Nature. Living uninsulated from Nature can be challenging, yet it will be nourishing, even if you find it hard at first to let go of your regular habits and dependencies, we are here to support you in that with our comprehensive programme of Somatic Intimacy.
Arriving and leaving day is Saturday. If this is not possible, let us know well in advance. The final leg of your arrival journey, and first of your departure, will be by taxi if you are not coming by car. You will need to book your place in advance, we will help you with this when you make your booking with us.
For those who would like to benefit from the power of giving to others we also offer Apprenticeships for those who have been with us before.
Embodied & Emotional Resilience
July 9-15
Embodied Resilience Training focusses on establishing Pathways of Love. These pathways are established by sensitivity to sensation, and opened through movement, deepened in stillness and stabilised through sharing. They will allow you to more freely and fully be the Love that you most deeply are.
£795, including accommodation, meals and tuition.
£795, including accommodation, meals and tuition.
Deep & Emotional Resilience
July 16-22
Deep Resilience Training focusses on establishing Pathways of Pleasure. These pathways are opened by intimacy with the pleasure nature of your body, accessed through movement, stillness and passive sharing. They will allow you to more fully enjoy and appreciate the great gift of embodiment.
£795, including accommodation, meals and tuition.
£795, including accommodation, meals and tuition.
Sexual & Emotional Resilience
July 23-29
Sexual Resilience Training focusses on establishing Pathways of Delight & Fearlessness. These pathways are opened by activating your sexual energy through subtle practices of solitary movement and stillness, and passive and acting sharing. They will allow you to engage with others with a more clear sense of your own sexual needs and boundaries. There will be no sexual activity during these sessions.
£795, including accommodation, meals and tuition.
£795, including accommodation, meals and tuition.
Engaged & Emotional Resilience
July 30-August 7
Engaged Resilience Training focusses on establishing Pathways of Wholeness and Solidarity. These pathways are opened by becoming intimate the fractal wholeness of your own Presence. This intimacy takes place through movement, stillness and passive sharing. It will will allow you to live more courageously with compassion and solidarity.
July 30-August 5 £795, including accommodation, meals and tuition.
July 30-August 7 £975, including accommodation, meals and tuition.
From August 4-7 we will shift to overt celebration of the richness of being human
in a playful Radical Ecology celebration.
July 30-August 5 £795, including accommodation, meals and tuition.
July 30-August 7 £975, including accommodation, meals and tuition.
From August 4-7 we will shift to overt celebration of the richness of being human
in a playful Radical Ecology celebration.
Radical Ecology Celebration
August 4-7
For the last four days we will celebrate the great gift of being human together. Our celebrations may include story-telling, poetry reading, music, dancing, singing, mammalian play, cooking, eating and exploring together the delights of human nature and its deeper possibilities.
£295, including accommodation, meals and (optional) events.
£295, including accommodation, meals and (optional) events.
If you are experiencing dire financial circumstances, please contact us so that we can try to find a solution that enables you to attend. Likewise if you are enjoying financial abundance, please let us know if you would be willing to help others who may not otherwise be able to participate.