- Guided Meditations
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This 15 hour Course will immerse you in the heart of Meditation. Almost entirely experiential it will allow you to develop deep meditative pathways that you can develop into your daily life. You will also receive notes to support you in your ongoing practice. The recordings of each session will be available to you for 60 days after purchase.
Both Zen, with its Chinese roots, and Dzogchen, with its Tibetan roots, offer a direct approach to meditation. Free from theory or maps they invite embodiment of the power and wisdom of Consciousness through deep intimacy with awareness. This intimacy is established by way of the suspension of all deliberate activity. Simply by doing nothing the intelligence of awareness eventually turns in on itself.
Yet, even when we are not deliberately doing anything plenty is still happening. Your heart is driving your blood through the arteries and veins of your body, pulses throbbing in your groins, your temples. Your diaphragm is contracting a few times every minute, drawing air into your lungs via throat and nostrils. Cloth is generating sensations against your skin as it responds to the rhythm of your breath.
Simply by feeling the sensations being generated by your body mind begins to settle and quieten. As it does so attention is spontaneously taken by changing sensations. When the implications of these sensations become more familiar they become less fascinating and attention is taken deeper, through the heart of sensation and into the luminous Presence of Consciousness as awareness. There is no need for any map, plan or strategy. If you stick to any plan or strategy then mind remains involved and is unable to fully let go.
Eventually you are bound to be taken into the the Intelligent Presence of Consciousness as the illuminate darkness of lucid unknowing (Nirbijah-Samadhi). This happens when your mind becomes so relaxed and feels so safe that it has no need to express itself at all. It is an event that has no experiencer, no sense of self, and can only be recognised as having happened after the fact. Becoming familiar with slipping towards it is one of the deep delights and nourishing rewards of Awareness Meditation.
The 15 hour course unfolds by way of 6 2.5 hour sessions. Each session includes three or four sittings, punctuated by relevant and insightful talks that will support you in your practice. Each sitting has its own unique verbal instruction, talking you into silence through different experiential lenses. The 2.5 hour sessions can be done as a single whole, or by sequential parts. There is a progressive sequentiality from the first sitting to the last, in the course as a whole and each individual session also. You are free to repeat any session, or sitting, before continuing on.
On our receiving confirmation of your purchase we will send you a link and access password that will make the recordings available to you for 60 days after the purchase date. Notes on the origins, process and practice of meditation and mindfulness will download on purchase.
Both Zen, with its Chinese roots, and Dzogchen, with its Tibetan roots, offer a direct approach to meditation. Free from theory or maps they invite embodiment of the power and wisdom of Consciousness through deep intimacy with awareness. This intimacy is established by way of the suspension of all deliberate activity. Simply by doing nothing the intelligence of awareness eventually turns in on itself.
Yet, even when we are not deliberately doing anything plenty is still happening. Your heart is driving your blood through the arteries and veins of your body, pulses throbbing in your groins, your temples. Your diaphragm is contracting a few times every minute, drawing air into your lungs via throat and nostrils. Cloth is generating sensations against your skin as it responds to the rhythm of your breath.
Simply by feeling the sensations being generated by your body mind begins to settle and quieten. As it does so attention is spontaneously taken by changing sensations. When the implications of these sensations become more familiar they become less fascinating and attention is taken deeper, through the heart of sensation and into the luminous Presence of Consciousness as awareness. There is no need for any map, plan or strategy. If you stick to any plan or strategy then mind remains involved and is unable to fully let go.
Eventually you are bound to be taken into the the Intelligent Presence of Consciousness as the illuminate darkness of lucid unknowing (Nirbijah-Samadhi). This happens when your mind becomes so relaxed and feels so safe that it has no need to express itself at all. It is an event that has no experiencer, no sense of self, and can only be recognised as having happened after the fact. Becoming familiar with slipping towards it is one of the deep delights and nourishing rewards of Awareness Meditation.
The 15 hour course unfolds by way of 6 2.5 hour sessions. Each session includes three or four sittings, punctuated by relevant and insightful talks that will support you in your practice. Each sitting has its own unique verbal instruction, talking you into silence through different experiential lenses. The 2.5 hour sessions can be done as a single whole, or by sequential parts. There is a progressive sequentiality from the first sitting to the last, in the course as a whole and each individual session also. You are free to repeat any session, or sitting, before continuing on.
On our receiving confirmation of your purchase we will send you a link and access password that will make the recordings available to you for 60 days after the purchase date. Notes on the origins, process and practice of meditation and mindfulness will download on purchase.