Sexual Desire is Love Looking for Itself,
Intimacy is Love Finding Itself
Tantra is a Somatic Spirituality that reveals the divine nature of all phenomena. In doing so it spontaneously transforms your relationship to yourself, others and the world into a deeper harmony. Tantric practice transforms the energies of desire and pleasure into love by way of intimacy with sensation. This releases the healing power of internal pleasure, which dissolves neuromuscular resistance, accessing the sensitivity and openness of your Spiritual Heart. This allows your relationships with others, and the world, to become fertilised with empathy, compassion and delight.
This retreat in Northern Spain will initiate you in the core somatic practices of Slow Tantra. Gentle, rhythmic movement will activate the pleasure nature of your body. Guided stillness will quieten your mind and access the pleasure nature of your Spiritual Heart. Passive sharing will release the inclusive boundarylessness of your Spiritual Heart into your experience of the ‘other’. Together they will allow you to more easily and fully experience the spiritual dimension and divine nature of your life just as it is.
Each day of your retreat will begin with a Tantra Yoga session. You will be shown how to move gracefully into stillness, opening pathways of love and pleasure through sensitivity to the sensations generated by your body. Rhythmic movements will soften and release old and limiting neuromuscular pathways. Sustained stillness will open new pathways of pleasure into the whole of your body. These new pathways will allow you to engage more authentically and freely with your feelings, desires and needs.
These pathways will be deepened by Solo Tantric Meditation. Godfrey will guide you step by step through your body and mind and through the pleasure nature of your body into the pleasure nature of Consciousness. The guidance you will be given is so potent in its simplicity and incisiveness that even if you have never meditated before you will be able to access and embody the courage to engage with others openly and authentically.
These pathways will be stabilised in Tantric Meditations with others. These exquisitely choreographed meditations will allow you to experience both the pleasure and the love within desire. They will deepen your capacity and willingness to engage with others with empathy, compassion and solidarity.
There will be nether nudity nor sexual activity during the workshop. Rather, we will be releasing and exploring the underlying power of sexual energy to nourish and heal when allowed to flow freely without any need to repress or express it. Passive intimacy with desire and pleasure allows them to transform into the Presence of Divine Love and activates your capacity for empathy and compassion.
Desire Fully Felt Transmutes into Love
Near Bilboa, Spain
October 10th-13th
October 10th-13th