Embodied and Intimate Relationship Retreat
The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your relationships. Yet satisfying relationship can be as elusive as it is longed for. This does not have to be the case. The keys to satisfying relationships are to be found within your own nature. They include openness, sensitivity, generosity and inclusivity. All of which are qualities upon which satisfying relationships depend. All of which are qualities through which awareness expresses itself into your life. They are natural expressions of your spiritual nature. They are also the keys to intimacy: both with yourself and with others. It is only when relationships offer and provide genuine intimacy that they can be satisfying.
Covered up as these keys may be by social conditioning and pressure, they can be uncovered and embodied somatically. To uncover them you need only open your Spiritual Heart. To embody them you need only establish ongoing intimacy with your own body. In becoming intimate with your own body you open the door to becoming intimate with others.
Somatic Intimacy allows you to establish and stabilise pathways of sensitivity, openness, generosity and inclusivity which become available for your relationships with others. This is initiated in sensitive, rhythmic movement that recalibrates the plasticity of neuromuscular tissue. Neuromuscular pathways can be generated from the body to your Spiritual Heart. As your Spiritual Heart is opened by intimacy with your own Presence its qualities of openness, sensitivity, generosity and inclusivity begin to flow through these pathways into your perception and behaviour. Then, as they become embodied, intimate relationship becomes possible.
This retreat will offer you the opportunity to develop stable pathways of intimacy by way of your own body. This will take place by way of movement, stillness and sharing. You will learn simple movement practices that sensitise your body, somatic meditations that open your Spiritual Heart, and somatic games that allow you to feel more safe with others.
Each day of your retreat will begin with the elegant and effortless choreography of Somatic Retuning. This will show you how to move gracefully into stillness, opening pathways of love and intimacy through sensitivity to the sensations generated by your body. The rhythmic movements will soften and release old and limiting defensive pathways. Your movements will be fertilised by the Dynamic of Integrity which will open new pathways of wholeness into the whole of your body. These new neuromuscular pathways will replace old pathways of restriction and defensiveness, allowing you to engage more authentically and freely with others.
These pathways will be deepened by the meditative practice of Somatic Intuning. Godfrey will guide you step by step through your body and mind and into the courage of your Spiritual Heart. The guidance you will be given is so potent in its simplicity and incisiveness that even if you have never meditated before you will be able to access and embody the courage to engage with others openly and authentically.
These pathways will be stabilised by simple sharing games, played outside whenever the weather permits. These exquisitely choreographed games will allow you to feel the presence and power of love surrounding and supporting you. They will deepen your capacity and willingness to engage with others with empathy, compassion and solidarity.
Sweden by the sea
September 12th - 15th
September 12th - 15th