Being Love Retreat
This short retreat will immerse you in being the love that you most deeply are. In doing so it will give you the keys to loving the being that you more obviously are. Surrounded by Nature and open hearted beings, not only human, you will be free to let go of the concerns and anxieties, habits and beliefs that keep you out of touch with the love that you most deeply are so that you can begin to genuinely love the beautiful being that you really are.
Each day of your immersion will begin with the elegant and effortless choreography of Somatic Retuning. This will show you how to move gracefully into stillness, opening pathways of love through sensitivity to the sensations generated by your body. The rhythmic movements will soften and release old and limiting defensive pathways. Your movements will be fertilised by the Dynamic of Integrity which will open new pathways of wholeness into the whole of your body. These new neuromuscular pathways will not only allow you to move more gracefully and effortlessly through your life. They will also replace old pathways of restriction and defensiveness, allowing you to embody the love that you most deeply are. At the same time they will transform your perception of the world and of yourself
This transformation will be deepened by the meditative practice of Somatic Intuning. Godfrey will guide you step by step through your body and mind and into the love that you most deeply are. The guidance you will be given is so potent in its simplicity and incisiveness that even if you have never meditated before you will be able to let go into the nourishing delight of indestructible peace and unconditional love.
Your pathways of love will be stabilised by simple sharing games, played outside whenever the weather permits. These exquisitely choreographed games will allow you to feel the presence and power of love surrounding and supporting you. They will stabilise your pathways of love so that they express themselves into your life as empathy, compassion and solidarity.
Every full day there will be two sessions dedicated to opening, deepening and stabilising your pathways of love.
North of Copenhagen
May 28th - June 1st
May 28th - June 1st